Thank you for expressing interest in contributing to this Archive. To contribute you'll have to do the following.
Photograph two items of clothing. One item should represent your public self, and the other your private self. Your public self is the version of you who you present in your professional life or as a student for example. Your private self is the version of you outside of that.
The Archive will remain completely anonymous, though you may choose to provide additional information, such as your profession, gender, and age. You are also welcome to describe the items of clothing and explain why you selected them. Please do make it clear which piece of clothing is marked as a representation of the public or private self.
Once you have done that, you can email these pictures and description to the email address below. Please send the pictures and description separatly and not in the same file. This will make it impossible to publish the pieces on the website.
Once you have send the pictures it will take a maximum of one week to have the pictures published on the website.
By sending me the photos, you give your consent for them to be used in the publication of the Online Interactive Wardrobe Archive.
Your input will have a direct impact on the development of this interactive learning platform, and I sincerely appreciate the thought and time you would invest.
Thank you